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BSE + BJCA echo skills day - Cardiff

Join us for intensive hands-on training aimed at new junior doctors

Our expert faculty will give ST4 cardiologists a full introduction to echocardiography, including both live scanning and image interpretation. Delegates will benefit from a full suite of eLearning materials that can be accessed prior to the course to give a comprehensive grounding in the basics of echo.

Sample programme


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Full day £325 £375

Find out more about becoming a member

This course is initially aimed at junior doctors starting ST4 in cardiology in 2024. When pre-registering, please send evidence that you have started/are starting an ST4 to [email protected] in order for your pre-registration to be approved. Pre-registrants in other roles will be held on a waiting list until Wednesday 7 August 2024 at which point places may be offered if they are available. Once a place has been offered, payment must be made within one week to secure the place.

Got a question?

Marketing and Education Department
[email protected]

9/18/2024 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
GMT Daylight Time
Department of Medical Education Second Floor, Cochrane Building University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park CARDIFF CF14 4XW UNITED KINGDOM
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