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V. East Bohemia Stress Echocardiography On-Line Course

Join us for the 5th on-line stress echocardiography course! The course is designed for cardiologists and echocardiographers who would like to refresh their knowledge/get a deeper insight into the complexity of stress echocardiography and its use for ischaemia, valvular and structural heart disease testing.

Lectures on principles of stress echocardiography, studies interpretation, use of various stressors, the role of transpulmonary contrast agents or advanced stress echo techniques are reflecting the 2024 EACVI expert consensus statement on stress echocardiography. Two hours of interactive case reports are newly included in the programme, delivered by the international panel. We are honoured that professor Roxy Senior from London and professor Quirino Ciampi from Italy, principle co-authors of the 2024 consensus paper, joined our team of speakers.
The course is endorsed by EACVI and BSE and awarded 3 BSE and 8 EBAC CPD points for watching live.
The cost to attend is €50.

Find out more

Course contact

Dr Karel Medilek PhD FRCP
[email protected] 

This event is organised by an external provider and is not affiliated with the British Society of Echocardiography.

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